(AmericanProsperity.com) – Black Americans have spoken out about their stances on economic decisions such as minimum wage. According to Black to the Future Action Fund, many black Americans support initiatives to increase the minimum wage to seventeen dollars an hour, make affordable housing more accessible, and have an equitable tax system.
Alicia Garza, founder and former principal of Black to the Future Action Fund, said, “We have to start imagining what it is that we want and not be so afraid to break out of what is.”
The agenda would have multiple policy changes around worker protections, healthcare, childcare, housing, education, taxes, and more sectors that would greatly affect people across the country.
The author of the agenda wrote, “Economic insecurity experienced by Black communities cannot be resolved solely by individual actions like working more hours, getting a college degree or saving money to buy a home.”
The author added, “These issues are systemic, and government intervention is required to eliminate these inequities and improve outcomes for our people.”
Many of the supported changes would be shared equity programs, adding rental history to credit reports for better mortgage approval, and family and medical leave law changes.
Christopher Towler, director of the Black Voter Project, said the programs are “a really good model to try and get people into the housing market for there to be more first-time homebuyers.”
Many have stated that systemic inequality has affected black workers and people for years. The United States’ racial wealth can be tracked all the way back to transatlantic slave trade days. Added Towler, “The failures of Reconstruction have yet to be made up.”
Towler continued, “And a large part of that is the continued residential segregation and how Black Americans have been locked out, not only of the housing market, but of the resources, the wealth, the opportunity that comes along with where you live and your access to community.”
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