Some Nationalities Can Escape Biden’s Asylum Ban

( – Biden’s new asylum rules are meant to crack down on the number of immigrants coming in and seeking asylum within the country, but it turns out that there is a loophole that will prevent some people from being deported.

The policy, which just took effect last week, said that it had an exception for “operational considerations,” which ultimately states that the government doesn’t necessarily have money to deport every single person who may be liable for deportation. With this, it’s said that many nationalities like those from South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa may not be deported because they just recently started coming to the border.

Gerardo Henao was arrested just fourteen hours after the policy was put in place by Biden, but he was not deported and was instead dropped off at a San Diego bus stop where he was able to catch a train to the airport and head to New Jersey. Something that worked in his favor was a lack of deportation flights to his country, which eventually led to him being transferred to New Jersey.

Speaking on the ban, The Homeland Security Department stated that “demographics and nationalities encountered at the border significantly impact” the possibility of deportation. According to two Homeland Security officers, there have been thousands of migrants deported so far under the ban. Overall seventeen deportation flights deported people from Columbia, El Salvador, Ecuador, Peru, Guatemala, and Mexico.

Henao said that the process was very easy as they didn’t really question him, took his fingerprints, and his photo, and then sent him on his way. He was a part of groups that were released, many of which were from India, China, Columbia, and Ecuador.

“Hello, if you are arriving right now, you have been released from immigration custody and you can go to the airport,” a volunteer told the migrants. “You can go for free if you don’t have money for a taxi or an Uber.”

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