(AmericanProsperity.com) – Many business owners in Ukraine have suffered since the beginning of the war with Russia. However, Telegram channels have been helping small businesses to advertise their products and services and get people to purchase even in the wake of the war.
Inna, a Ukrainian that makes cakes, pies, pizzas, and other food items, has been using a Telegram channel to promote her business. The channel she uses is Kurakhove Roll Call which has eight thousand subscribers, and there is another channel called Kurakhove Without Panic that has sixteen thousand subscribers on it.
These channels are key to keeping businesses alive during this time and the administrator that runs them has said that he wants to remain anonymous “during political and social instability.”
Both channels post messages from Ukrainian authorities about hostilities, shelling, victims, and how to avoid becoming victims.
In the event of bombings, the administrator messages, “There is an air raid alert in the world’s best town,” his most frequent and recurring post.
“Silent mode on,” with phone numbers for police, medical help, and fire brigade followers. This channel posts updates on what is going on in the town and how residents can stay in the loop.
Telegram has grown into an essential survival tool despite the Russian founder, Pavel Durov, being arrested in France earlier this week. The administrator said that “keeping the audience becomes a complicated task,” but many have used the channels as a non-negotiable and are using it for safety, money, and to help calm their nerves.
There are messages about post offices or other places where people can still go that are operational. It also shares power banks, documents, and shares where to get medical drugs if needed. A grocery store even posts when they get certain items in so that the public knows what’s in stock.
Many have said that they don’t plan to leave the app because it has become an essential for their survival in their time of need.
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