Tenants Trapped Inside After Property Was Boarded Up?!

A traditional British shopfront, closed and boarded up with wooden boards.

(AmericanProsperity.com) – In the city of Harvey, Illinois a group of residents living in an apartment building were trapped inside after the building was boarded up.

City officials said, “Contrary to recent claims, the city did not evict anyone from these properties but has communicated with the property owners regarding the unsafe conditions of the buildings and need to immediately rectify the dangerous living conditions,” in a post on Facebook.

The City of Harvey shared multiple photos on social media showing the apartment complex and the horrible conditions it was in. Some photos show rusted holes in staircases, people’s belongings stored in stairwells, cracked concrete, and piles of garbage lying around.

In October of last year (2023) the City of Harvey decided to do an investigation and spoke to the owners about the structural issues and also illegal activity at the apartment.

The city also had a meeting and asked the property owners to hire an engineer to assess the damages and get construction on the building. This is when the city told the owners to vacate the building due to the upcoming construction and gave them until the end of October.

The city emphasized that they spoke with the owners and also gave clear instructions to them on informing residents of the upcoming construction. They had determined that the building was well past its life expectancy and that people needed to evacuate by October 28.

As the apartment was boarded up, it was said that five families were still inside the building and were now trapped. It was when people were sharing videos on social media that there was concern raised and FOX 32 in Chicago reported that some residents were trapped inside this apartment building.

Even one of the residents, Rudolph Williams, said that he was trapped inside and that he “didn’t hear anybody knock on the door,” on Friday before the doors were boarded up.

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