United States Named “Lucky Charm” For Irish Businesses

(AmericanProsperity.com) – According to experts, cybercrime could cost the global economy more than twenty trillion dollars by 2027, and Irish businesses may benefit from the U.S.’ need for cybersecurity.

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been a key source of United States government research and researchers since it took part in the development of the nuclear bomb. Keeping an eye on hostilities or threats was much easier in the forties, whereas nowadays there are threats across multiple fronts, including cyberattacks.

Now they are turning to an Irish startup named Tines to help keep the threat of cyberattackers at bay.

Tines’ chief executive officer, Eoin Hinchy, said, “They’re operating the world’s most powerful computer, and they’re leveraging Tines to bolster their security infrastructure,” .

He continued, “For a long time, we held US-based technology companies on a bit of a pedestal. It wasn’t until I started working with US-based companies that I realized they were just like us.”

Ireland has quickly become a top country for foreign direct investment, placing sixth with a population of over five million people, putting it above other countries like Mexico and Italy.

More than nine hundred Irish-owned companies are exporting to the United States. Leo Clancy, CEO of the Irish state’s economic development agency, Enterprise Ireland, spoke out about the expansion. “We’ve seen nearly a 60% increase in exports to the US over the last five years. Last year, the US was our second-highest growth market after the UK.”

He continued, “What I hear consistently from clients is that [US] buyers tend to be more loyal if the service is good, and that price is less of an issue if you are delivering really exceptional services and innovation.”

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