Supreme Court Restricting Government Social Media Contact

( – The Supreme Court seemed a little wary when it came to suggesting how much the Biden administration could limit social media content and how much control they had over it without running into legal issues for coercion.

One particular case started at the beginning of Biden’s term and it was to help take down social media posts that spread false information regarding politics and, at the time, the pandemic. The U.S. District Court Judge said that the White House was testing First Amendment Rights by “coercing” social media sites to change the way they monitor content.

There has been quite a bit of concern when it comes to the Supreme Court ruling and just how much they can restrict when it comes to the content posted on the platforms. Officials have tried to talk to platforms about the content posted while pushing them to update their terms in how they monitor and remove content.

The Biden Administration has been looking into ways that it can help stop the spread of misinformation on social media sites. They’ve been working to get the content taken down and have pushed sites to change the way they monitor the content getting posted on their platforms.

Judge Terry Doughty said that seven groups of members from the Biden Administration violated First Amendment Rights because of their push to try and “transform the platform’s content moderation decisions.”

Many people on the opposing side said that the social media platforms could not prove that they suffered any negatives by the administration asking them to change the way they moderate content. They also stated that these platforms already have moderation rules in place so the posts may be removed or affected by the platform themselves, not by government interference.

With this, evidence was brought to light that showed “pestering” from White House officials to social media platforms requesting they remove certain content that was posted on their platforms. The back and forth continues as the court looks more into what an appropriate ruling will be.

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