Young Liberals Upset With Biden’s Handling of Israel War

( – Biden’s response to the Israel-Hamas war has been disappointing according to young liberal activists who seem unhappy with his decisions.

Officials are shedding light on the concerns that young people have over Biden’s choices regarding the war in Israel. Keanu Arpels-Josiah, an organizer with youth climate group Fridays for Future NYC, spoke out saying, “It’s clear that young people are really, really disillusioned with Biden’s choices on climate and Gaza and beyond that to foreign policy and across the board.”

Keanu continued saying that Biden can’t just expect young people to vote for him, but he has to prove that he’s going to make the changes that they’re looking for. They continued, saying that Biden needs to “represent the issues that matter to us if we’re really going to get people to turn out.”

Ultimately, Biden’s decision to not call for an immediate ceasefire has affected many of the young people who are looking to vote in this election. Specifically, Muslim and Arab leaders are continuing to push back on Biden’s decisions.

Many young activists have spoken out about this including Elise Joshi, who is executive director of Gen Z for Change saying, “I shouldn’t have to say how important morally it is for a cease-fire, but it’s also important politically if that’s all this administration cares about.”

A climate activist and Tiktoker, Alex Haraus, said “People are still mad about the genocide going on in Gaza. I can’t blame them for that and wouldn’t anticipate this decision to have an impact on people who care about that. But I do think it will win points with everybody that cares about the climate.”

We can expect to see many more young activists speak out about this situation especially as we approach the next election and many begin making decisions on which candidate they plan on backing, if any.

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