How to Keep Your Budget in Check This Winter Heating Season

( – While staying warm is crucial during the unpleasant cold of winter, many people can have a hard time doing It because of the high utility bills, which can be almost unbearable for many families in the United States. To keep it as low as possible so you can maintain your budget in check and stay warm this season, here are the best things you can do.

The main one is to lower your thermostat by 10 degrees, which will allow you to save up to 10 percent annually on heating. The best moment to do it is during the daytime when you’re going out, considering that nighttime is usually the period when the temperature will reach its lowest levels.

You can also wear warm clothes such as sweaters, sweats, and socks in your home. Doing it will be quite helpful in case you’re staying home all day, considering that it will make you feel warm enough to maintain the thermostat low and save some money.

Another strategy is to cook some stews and soups at home, considering that these foods will make you feel warmer. The trick on this point is keeping the oven door slightly open once you finish, as a little bit of heat can escape and will warm up your home.

Of course, in each of the strategies mentioned above you need to make sure that every window in your house or apartment is closed, as it will prevent cold air from coming in. Even if you’re raising the thermostat at high degrees, cold drafts will make the system work harder and ineffectively, which could eventually lead to higher bills.

Finally, in case you notice that you need some warmth in a single spot of your house or apartment, and this one is the place where you spend most of your time, you should use a space heater to replace the heating system. Instead of letting it work unnecessarily, using a portable space heater will allow you to save some money and stay warm and cozy.

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